| 1. | That advances him to the next developmental phase, which is the backlash.
| 2. | October Project would use the studio as its home base during its developmental phase.
| 3. | In idolizing Spears, young fans may be skipping an immportant developmental phase of their lives.
| 4. | A new developmental phase leads to intense anger that mom and dad don't live together.
| 5. | With " transition " Winnicott means an intermediate developmental phase between the psychic and external reality.
| 6. | After such a prolonged developmental phase, the adults are active for about 4 to 6 weeks.
| 7. | At present, it is in a developmental phase, focusing on outreach activities and a virtual exhibit.
| 8. | It's now in the early developmental phase,"
| 9. | During the developmental phase, the stadium was referred to in football legend Michel Platini, who recommended the name.
| 10. | During its developmental phase, it brought together some of the greatest minds in Latin America at the time.